Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Use Body Language to Build Rapport

In the world of business, many factors would affect the success of one business. One of the most important elements that an enterprise cannot lack is relationship and building many relations. They would bring many substantial benefits to the business. The word "rapport" in the article Using Body Language to Build Rapport has the same meaning as relationship. The relations could be the one between the business and its customers, suppliers, local government, managing staff and many others. If using the power of words, body language, and message successfully, a person could create a foundation for honesty, integrity, and fair so that the person who deal with him would be impressed and business relationship could start smoothly. Keld Jensen, Chairman of Center of Negotiation at Copenhagen Business School has mentioned about the three most important body language tips to help build relationship. Those are natural eye contact, hand gestures and utilizing distance. Using body language consistently with saying could create more trust in the business partner.
More information about these tips are provided in the original article which can be read more at the link below: