Friday, September 24, 2010

The first 4 weeks of MBA course

It has been nearly 4 weeks since we met each other and started the classes. The four classes which we are taking right now seem really helpful and interesting. I enjoy learning all cases and problems from business analysis class and accounting class though they are tough and drive me crazy sometimes. Yesterday, our group struggled with the tornado chart for the Reid's Raisin Company case in BA512 class for a while. We totally had no idea what the tornado chart was. Though we tried to read through the textbook quickly and follow the instruction, there was a new problem came up - no Sensitivity Toolkit which contains tornado chart function for us to apply from Excel options box. Thus, we had to look up and download the toolkit online. It worked but the result chart did not make any sense. However, we still submitted the chart. That was the best we could do so far. Modeling and Excel going together seem quite tough to me!
People in our class almost got over the first accounting test fairly smoothly - I guess. I thought it was very easy when I first looked at it. However, I got some small mistakes which could be easily avoided if I had studied more carefully. I did not make it best on this test. Anyway, the test is the past and I should strive to prepare well for the next tests.
After the first two micro-economics classes, everything seemed really ambiguous to me. I had no clue to solve the graph problems sometimes. I think this class is somehow my worst one so far. Hope everything gets better soon!