Just ten more days to the biggest shopping day within the year - Black Friday. Are you all ready for it? When I first came here, I heard my friends say something about it but actually, I had no idea what Black Friday was. On Black Friday last year, I had breakfast at 1 o'clock in the morning and got in line in front of Kolh's since 3 a.m. to get in the store. It was a very long line of people even though it was frozen outside. I was also impressed with many people stayed in tents in front of Best Buy from the night before Black Friday. I also went to Toys "R" Us and Old Navy at Greenwood Mall. Everywhere was full of people grabbing stuff and waiting in very long line to check out. In general, I understand that Black Friday is the Friday right after Thanksgiving Day and it is the biggest shopping day during the year with everything on big sale.
I always wondered why people called this Friday "Black" until I read about this term on Wikipedia. The term Black Friday means different things in different contexts. Back to the nineteenth century, it was associated with the financial crisis in 1869. In 1966, the Philadelphia Police Department has given the name "Black Friday" to the Friday following Thanksgiving Day to describe Christmas shopping season in center city where massive traffic jams and over-crowded sidewalks took place as the downtown stores opened. More recently, merchants and the media have used "Black Friday" refer to the beginning of the period in which retailers go from being in the red (loss) to being in the black (turning a profit).
Cyber Monday is a marketing term for the Monday immediately following Black Friday in the United States. The term was used since 2005. Just as Black Friday, Cyber Monday is the biggest online shopping day of the year. In general, the spending incurs on Black Friday and Cyber Monday has considerably jumped.
This year, instead of waiting in the cold to get in stores, I would prefer staying at home and shopping online. So excited about it!
You can read more about these days here:
Black Friday
Cyber Monday
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Posted by Trang Le at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
Japanese Business Culture
In Dr. Hatfield's class today, we talked about culture, how important it was and how to use it to change the organization. This reminded me about the Japanese Speech Contest which I joined in about 2 years ago. My speech in the contest was mainly about Japanese Business Culture which was very unique. Even though Japan and Vietnam are all located in Asia, there are many differences in business culture between these countries.
I think most of us have, at least once, heard about Japan Miracle which was famous all over the world. It was the story about extremely damaged Japan after World War II strive to recover the economy in a short period of time and keep developing with an amazing speed. I believed that the business culture was one of the most important factors that contributed to the success of Japan.
I would like to introduce some special features that make Japanese business culture become unique. The first one is that Japanese people usually using "slogan" in their work and even in their private lives. Slogans are somehow a tool to encourage and remind themselves about the optimum goals that they seriously need to obtain. Another feature that really impresses me is "meishi" (名刺) and meishi kokan - the business card culture. Receiving the cards from the business partners by two hands and put them in a respectful place such as business card holders are the ways to express how much that person respects the partner as well as the business itself. Putting the cards in wallets or pockets is considered disrespectful. Japanese people respect the other ones who are older. The older the partners are, the lower the other has to bow to greet them. Besides, relationship is considered very important in conducting business success. Japanese people normally really serious in working and often prefer to work for one company for the whole of their lives.
Posted by Trang Le at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Use Body Language to Build Rapport
More information about these tips are provided in the original article which can be read more at the link below:
Posted by Trang Le at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 29, 2010
Some useful advice for small businesses in a down economy
All countries all over the world had to face one of the biggest regression in history. The more developed the countries were, the worse consequences they got from the down economy. The Great Depression of 2008 - 2009 has made many companies break down and lose everything they have had. Nevertheless, some small enterprises still found the way to survive and even got successful through this hardest time. The question is how they could do that. The article "Succeed in a Down Economy" would help us understand more about how some of the small businesses can succeed, as well as provide other small enterprises with some useful advice that they could utilize to overcome the thread of breaking down. In this article, Liz Lasater, the CEO of Red Arrow Logistics Company reveals some of her tips to succeed despite the depression. She mainly focuses on 5 factors: understanding customers, being reliable, not stopping spending money but needing to financially prudent, being strategic and building a strong team.
First, having customers is the reason for a company to exist. The enterprises need to understand what the customers need and how to meet their needs. Companies need to be adaptable to customer's demand.
Secondly, the small enterprises should keep their promises once they deliver it in order to get trust from the customers.
During tough times, people tend to stop spending money. However, a successful company would find smart ways to cut costs while still providing quality customer service and staying visible to your customers.
Together with the changes of the economy, the business should also develop strategies. Match your services and products to your customers and determine which industries and companies may have the greatest need for your services in the current business climate.
Last but not least, building a strong team also plays a very important role in conducting success.
Posted by Trang Le at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Something about Corruption
People often think that corruption is somehow related to social problems or politics more than to business. However, corruption in Vietnam is a big problem which the government have to strive different ways to reduce it. Corruption normally has bad effect on investment and economic growth. The article U.S. Falls in Annual Corruption Survey by David Jolly has reminded me about this problem. I also looked at the Corruption Perceptions Index 2010 Result and found my country's ranking is 116 with really high score while U.S. is much better with the rank of 22.
You can access the full article at:
Or look at the ranking table at:
Posted by Trang Le at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Prisoners' Dilemma
In Dr. Hatfield's class, we played a very interesting game called "The Prisoners' Dilemma Game." Actually, I have heard about this game in my micro-economics class in Vietnam a couple years ago. I found this game not only sound fun but also help me understand more about competition and cooperation between two parties in business world. Generally in this game, we assume that the police arrest two people doubted to commit a crime and put them in two separate rooms. The police offer if either of the two prisoners confesses and the other does not, he will be free and the other one will get the harsh sentence. If both of them keep silence, they both get the lightest sentence and if both confess, it will be worse sentence for both than when they keep silent. The class was divided in 4 groups and each two groups would play the role of one prisoner and compete with the other one. After the game, I learned a lesson - if we kept betraying each other, we would definitely lose. Instead, if we cooperated, we would win and get the extra credits for the next exam. In real life, it is not always easy to obtain Win-Win but that the goal for us to get the best outcomes, especially in business.
Posted by Trang Le at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wiki - The powerful communication tool
We have talked about Wiki in BA512 class and actually, each student in class has to select one specific category to contribute to. Many people think that Wiki is similar to blog or some social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. However, what differentiates a wiki from a blog is the fact that multiple people can -- and usually do in the case of popular wikis -- work on a single piece of content. This means that a single article could have as few as a single author or as many as tens or even hundreds of authors. This is very different from a blog where an article will usually have only one author. Some blogs are collaborative efforts of multiple bloggers, but even then, a single article is generally attributed to a single blogger.
The business wiki is one of the most powerful Enterprise 2.0 tools and is capable of transforming the nature of communication within a company. While normal corporate communication flows in a straight line, often from top to bottom, a business wiki can create a synergy of communication that flows from the bottom up.
Designed as a simple-to-use collaborative tool, wikis have risen through the ranks of content management systems. From replacing an internal knowledge base to providing templates for reports and memos, wikis are invading the workplace and changing the way we do business. Here are some of the advantages of using Wiki in business:
Global communications is an obvious target for a wiki in the workplace.
More than just keeping employees around the world informed, a global wiki can provide a method for teams with members in different locations to work together seamlessly and share information on a project.
Another excellent use for the business wiki is as a replacement for knowledge bases and frequently asked questions (FAQs). The collaborative nature of wikis makes it the perfect tool for small teams of people who need to create and distribute information to a large group of readers.Wikis can also play a role in enhancing meetings, and in some cases, replace them altogether. A wiki can be a great place to store meeting minutes and provide the opportunity for employees to offer additional input outside of the meeting.
A wiki can also reduce the number of meetings needed to keep a project on track. Communication and synergy of ideas are the two main goals of most meetings, and a wiki is an excellent tool that can accomplish both of these goals.
Taking the wiki meeting one step further, a wiki can be used to centralize the information and organization of an entire project. Not only could it store meeting notes and provide brainstorming synergy, it can organize the project into an open environment with two-way communication.
Project documentation can sometimes be a dirty word in business, especially in information technology departments. Everyone strives for it, but not everyone has it. This is mainly because of the intuition barrier. Simply put, project documentation is often not a very intuitive process, and when something is not intuitive, it bogs down.This post is summarized from this website:
Posted by Trang Le at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Motivating Workers in Tough Times
In Dr. Hatfield's class, we have been discussing about motivation which is one of the most important element to conduct employees' great performance. In the time of recession as it is now, motivating employees seems to be an issue that many companies have to deal with.
Despite living through possibly the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, some offices may still be filled with truly motivated people—energetic, driven, ambitious, hard-working, competitive. These are just the sort of traits needed to turn a company around. But most CEOs these days are struggling to figure out how to deal with downsized workforces populated with employees who suffer from a long list of a very different variety of social characteristics. Among them: dread, apathy, passivity, carelessness, and possibly even resentment.
Jon Katzenbach, CEO of Katzenbach Partners, has built a career out of cracking the code to inspire people. The author of The Discipline of Teams and The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization, Katzenbach argues that the key to encouraging people has more to do with figuring out how to connect them emotionally to their work than throwing money or promotions at them.
BusinessWeek's Emily Thornton recently talked to Katzenbach about how his philosophy can be applied during this recession. Below are edited excerpts from their conversation.What do you believe is the best way to motivate people during this recession?
We see the same problems in turnaround situations. That's analogous to what happens during a recession. It's when companies have to restructure and do all sorts of painful things. If you don't also concentrate on the more positive aspects of motivation, you don't get nearly as far in terms of behavior change and performance gains.
Relying on mandating, making tough decisions, and telling people that this is the way life is and you have to get through it, is not the same thing as getting them motivated to do it. The motivation impetus for most employees is at least as much emotional as it is a rational process. So you have to do something to connect with the emotional side of the employee.
How do you suggest managers make positive connections with employees?
It helps if you're adept at using some of the informal aspects of the organization along with the formal. That's counterintuitive to many leaders in tough situations who tend to fall back on the formal elements that they can control. Thus they work down that axis by changing objectives, changing programs, changing incentives, changing structures, redesigning processes.
[Such tactics] may change the cost structure. But the more successful companies in turnaround situations give at least as much attention to getting people to feel good about what they have to do in their daily work, and that's more of an emotional challenge. To address the emotional challenge, you have to actively influence the informal interactions of the organization, rather than sitting back and watching it or even worse, undermining its positive influence. In my mind, managing in this different world will put a premium on actively influencing the informal elements in ways that complement and accelerate the formal efforts.
What do you mean by informal elements?
In every organization, there are communities of common interest that exist. For example, people who smoke gather together wherever they can smoke; people of different gender and ethnic backgrounds tend to form communities. You want to have a sense for what those are, and which of them might be influenced in ways that are helpful in influencing key behaviors .
We find a practical way to do that is to go right down to the front line and find what I call the master motivators who are already recognized for their unique ability to gain the emotional commitment of their people.
The interesting thing about the master motivator is that they intuitively make better use of informal networks and communities of common interest than most good managers do.
No matter how crummy things are, there's a master motivator down there who is taking care of his people by focusing them on the work they have to do each and every day, and finding a way to make them feel good about it. If you can find a handful of those, they're very insightful about what can work under today's difficult conditions. Their whole focus is, 'I have 22 people working for me. I have to keep them feeling good about what we have to do here. That's what I do.' The stuff they do is very different from what good managers do.
It's much more focused on the work itself, and much more likely to make use of informal sources of pride in that work. Their "mental compass" is always centered on how do I make Charlie and Emma feel good about the work we have to do here—no matter how boring, routine or difficult it may be. Understanding what they do in this regard and how they do it is incredibly helpful when you're trying to extend the emotional connections that can mobilize critical behaviors during difficult times.
What do these supervisors do that managers don't?
These "master motivators" recognize that every person has a different definition of success. And that's not what most leadership systems do. The system assumes that every person's definition of success is to climb the promotion ladder and make more money. In contrast, the master motivator knows there are a lot of people whose definition of success is tied more to their family or their community or something else in their personal lives. They're very clear on the fact that everyone has a different definition of success.
The other thing master motivators do is find and capitalize on local sources of pride. And they use multiple sources of pride. They might use company values. They might use family reactions. They might use customer feedback. They might use peer interaction. They might use several different sources of pride in the work because what they're trying to do is find something that is local and meaningful to a worker emotionally as well as rationally—and connect them to it in an individual way.
It's that individual connection with a local source of pride that master motivators are really good at. When you look more closely at what they do, there are only three or four things that really matter to their people—and anybody could do those things if they recognized its value. As a result, you can spread those three or four actions rather rapidly if you find ways to make exposures to those people more common. It's like spreading a virus—and it actually spreads the behaviors more rapidly than relying on formal methods alone.
Posted by Trang Le at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
The first 4 weeks of MBA course
It has been nearly 4 weeks since we met each other and started the classes. The four classes which we are taking right now seem really helpful and interesting. I enjoy learning all cases and problems from business analysis class and accounting class though they are tough and drive me crazy sometimes. Yesterday, our group struggled with the tornado chart for the Reid's Raisin Company case in BA512 class for a while. We totally had no idea what the tornado chart was. Though we tried to read through the textbook quickly and follow the instruction, there was a new problem came up - no Sensitivity Toolkit which contains tornado chart function for us to apply from Excel options box. Thus, we had to look up and download the toolkit online. It worked but the result chart did not make any sense. However, we still submitted the chart. That was the best we could do so far. Modeling and Excel going together seem quite tough to me!
People in our class almost got over the first accounting test fairly smoothly - I guess. I thought it was very easy when I first looked at it. However, I got some small mistakes which could be easily avoided if I had studied more carefully. I did not make it best on this test. Anyway, the test is the past and I should strive to prepare well for the next tests.
After the first two micro-economics classes, everything seemed really ambiguous to me. I had no clue to solve the graph problems sometimes. I think this class is somehow my worst one so far. Hope everything gets better soon!
Posted by Trang Le at 6:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
More career opportunities for MBA students
Studying and finishing an MBA course in a year is not an easy thing to do. Moreover, it also shortens our time to find a job, especially a good job. Students who achieve master degrees right after their undergraduate education often have more difficulties to find a good job than the other students who have years of experience of management. The economic depression last year also limits the opportunities for us to find a job after graduating.
However, according to the 2010 Corporate Recruiters Survey results, the 2010 job market for business school graduates has improved compared with 2009. This year, 55% of employers are planning to hire recent MBA alumni, up 5% from 2009. Beside healthcare and pharmaceutical , a large number of opportunities in financial institutions, marketing and sales. Some companies based overseas, particularly in Asia and South America, also offer jobs with higher salaries than before.
Last but not least, career centers are also helpful tools for graduate students finding their favorite jobs. They have chances to pick their target industry, talk to people who work there, and connect their skills with the company's needs.
This above piece of news somehow provides us with some ideas about our future careers. Actually, it's difficult but not impossible to find a job. We still have a lot of opportunities!
This entry was synthesized from the link below:
Posted by Trang Le at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 4, 2010
My first entry
Welcome to my blog! Actually, I had some ideas about creating one blog just for my pastime - cooking and food before but I have not created one yet. I love trying many different dishes from all over the world. However, this blog is for the BA512 class so I will not talk about anything but about the class and business. This class would be a great opportunity for us to learn more about each other and about the business world, which changes every single minute. This blog itself would be the place where I can share my thoughts, provide you with some interesting information and receive feedback from you. Hopefully from the BA512 class, we would learn more about business problems, as well as knowing how to solve them quickly and effectively. Have a great semester! ^^
Posted by Trang Le at 5:47 PM 0 comments